Browse Items (911 total)

Cover of Educational Technology, May 1988. This issue features the article, "Testing and Computer-Based Instruction: Psychometric Considerations", by…

Cover of Health Education, June/July 1988. This issue features the article "Sources of Drug and Alcohol Information among Rural Youth", by Paul D.…

Logo detail from an Abbey Theatre program.

Black and white production photograph of Tarry Flynn at Dublin's Abbey Theatre in 1966. Adapted by P. J. O'Connor from the 1948 novel by Patrick…

Cover of an Abbey Theatre program celebrating the history of the Abbey Theatre.

Drawings contrasting the new and old Abbey Theatre from an Abbey Theatre program.

Black and white photograph of the interior of the reconstructed Abbey Theatre in Dublin in 1966.

Black and white photograph of Angela Newman performing in the Abbey Theatre production of Eugene O'Neill's A Long Days Journey into Night, dated June…

A battle between Japan and China during the First Sino-Japanese War.

This print is a scene from the battle in Pyongyang.

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