Trina Schart Hyman, Art Director and Illustrator


Trina Schart Hyman

Marianne Carus discovered artist Trina Schart Hyman when she read her book How Six Found Christmas. Carus asked her first to illustrate stories for Open Court readers, then invited her to become Art Director of Cricket Magazine in 1971. Hyman created the iconic comic character “Cricket” and other bugs that provide commentary in the margins of the magazine. She also illustrated the cover of the inaugural issue, published in January, 1973.


Cricket Magazine event leaflet celebrating Trina Schart Hyman


Carus, Marianne. 2003. Celebrate Cricket: 30 years of stories and art. Chicago: Cricket Books.

Cricket Media records, 1960-2022, Southern Illinois University Special Collections Research Center

Hyman, Trina Schart. 1969. How six found Christmas. New York: Holiday House.